Graphic and Product Designer

Created by Gerriant Lewis Owen.
Fluent in English and French.
Tel: 06 04 50 24 48

Check out my Graphic Book

I have been working with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign for six years.
I can learn new skills with ease, in fact I have created this website using HTML and CSS to showcase this.
The following are what I'm considering to be my most valuable skills.

Product Design

As a product designer, I can create a range of items, from everyday products, such as sports equipment and coffee packaging ; to larger items, such as industrial tools, equipment and machinery.
I am also capable of proposing new products or improve existing ones, and use my understanding of technology, materials and manufacturing methods to improve the design and usability of an item.

Graphic Design

I can create visual concepts, by hand or using computer software, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers in order to furfill their goals when it comes to graphic design.

Web Design

As you can see for yourself, I can develop and design a stylish and easy-to-use webpage. I am self taught in webdesign, web development and enjoy learning new and usefull skills.

years in graphic
and product design
years in drawing
year in webdesigning
year in motion design